Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to make your weight loss goals happen faster

Napoleon Hill In his book Think and Grow Rich; He talks about a definitive Major Purpose. You got to have a clear idea of what you want. A definite goal allows you to place all your energy, all your will power, and all your effort to that goal.

Take some time to really think about it. Write out, define, and describe your goals of what you want. Using a pen and paper makes your thoughts objective. When writing your goals don’t just write expecting nothing to do about it. There is no such thing as SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. Do something in return for it. Give a date when will you achieve it. Create a defined plan, don’t debate and start immediately. Write exactly what you want to achieve, the steps you are going to do, the time limit, and what you are going to do in return for it. Use declarative sentence. Review your goal at least twice a day. Use visualization and imagine yourself already achieving what you want.

Let me give you an example you want to lose weight and be healthy. Don’t just write “I want to lose weight.” You need to be specific and detailed as well as visual to what you want to achieve. Defining your goals might be how much weight you want to lose, what size of clothes you will fit into, the lifestyle you want to live and how you will feel everyday.

By the 1st day of April, 2009, I will have a weight of 62 kilograms by which will happen during various amounts of time to time during the interim.

In return for the body I want, I will give the most of my will power and self-discipline by following a healthy program which requires me to eat healthy diet and exercises 3-4 times a week.

I believe I will achieve the body I want. My faith is so strong that I can wear again the pants of size 30 again. I can see myself feeling lively and have more energy everyday. I am now waiting for a plan to by which to follow to achieve my dream body and I will follow that plan when it is received.

This was my goal back in January 30, 2009 and I have achieved it. You will be surprised how writing goals can make your dreams come true faster. Does that sound achievable? Well yes I did achieve it. I just followed what is written in Think and Grow Rich and adjust it to what I want.

Whether your goal is to build muscle or fat loss. Give a time to write it down. So what about you? Do you write your goals? Leave some comments. Thanks for taking a time for reading my blog.

Stay Healthy and Fit,

Talk to you soon,


P.S. If this is the first time you heard about writing goals. Just try it and see what happens. You will be amaze later what happens in the next few months or years when you write what you really want to achieve. If you are interested in reading more about definitive major purpose, you can get it here: Think and Grow Rich


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